Thursday, May 16, 2013
Canine Alter Ego
When Ulysses, that ancient Greek king, returned home in disguise after being on the road for twenty years only his faithful dog -- Argos -- recognized the hero in beggar's clothing.
External trappings don't mean much to the canine species. Rich or poor, famous or ordinary, your dog still responds to character and performance. There's no fooling Fido.
"The fact that dogs haven't given up on humans completely and still make people their friends shows there must be some hope for the human race," said President Lyndon Johnson, whose beagles stood by him despite that awful ear pulling.
This ability to see beneath the surface of humans probably explains why dogs, almost invariably, resemble their masters.
Continued at... Canine Alter Ego
Michael Hofferber
Rural Delivery
Pet Supply
Artwork: President Lyndon Johnson Pulling Dogs' Ears